Strange and/or funny quote 229

<+SkirtMoskva> fiafk on a scale of 1 to 10 how many breasts do you have
<fiafk> i love you more than there are dead people in ethanthova after the oncoming war with the tnd which will bring the slaughter of hundreds of millions and lead to billions having a noticeable decrease in their quality of life as their economies are transformed into a war machine to do battle against their rivals in what will become the most grand war universalis has ever witnessed and this will...
<fiafk> ...lead to the downfall of quite a few nations and leave others to pick up the pieces while transforming lysteriok and lovinosia from prosperous backbones of the world economy into undeveloped hellholes
<fiafk> oops
<fiafk> i hate you more*
<stowaway> that made me hot
Submitted on 2015-08-19 21:24:01 - 0 +

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