Strange and/or funny quote 289

[23:40] <Darvince> syule how hard is it to understand
[23:40] <Darvince> going to bed at midnight
[23:40] <Darvince> waking up at 10pm
[23:40] <+syule> >omg
[23:40] <Darvince> and then the next day
[23:40] <Darvince> going to bed at like 3pm
[23:40] <+syule> >that is literally incomprehensible to me
[23:41] <+syule> >my intellect is not as powerful as yours in every dimension
[23:41] <+syule> >come closer so you can rape me
[23:42] * Darvince rapes reality
Submitted on 2016-01-23 21:44:41 - 0 +

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