Strange and/or funny quote 3

<osmotischen>it's 404
<osmotischen>definitely time to sleep
<osmotischen>oh wait 405 now guess i'm not going to bed
<Kalassak>404 bed not found
<Kalassak>405 bed not allowed
<Kalassak>406 bed unacceptable
<osmotischen>oh dear
<Kalassak>407 bed authentication required
<osmotischen>i've opened up a can of worms
<Kalassak>408 bed request timeout
<Kalassak>409 conflict
<Kalassak>wait no
<Kalassak>409 pillow fight
<Kalassak>410 asleep
<Kalassak>there you have to sleep at 4:10
Submitted on 2015-01-11 01:39:31 - 0 +

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