Strange and/or funny quote 304

[21:16:33] <Darvince> >fastforward to today
[21:16:39] <Darvince> >earth is a giant megacity called kyoto
[21:16:46] <Darvince> >we've settled 5000 planets
[21:17:02] <Darvince> >our first adventurers to andromeda are preparing for their journey
[21:17:15] <matty406> knock knock
[21:17:19] <matty406> it's the united planets
[21:17:32] <matty406> with big dreadnaughts
[21:17:34] <matty406> and railguns
[21:17:47] <matty406> open
[21:17:49] <matty406> the galaxy
[21:17:50] <matty406> stop
[21:17:53] <matty406> having it be closed
Submitted on 2016-02-19 21:21:45 - 0 +

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