Strange and/or funny quote 308

[23:37] <+Kalassak> i literally can't type 'negotiation' today
[23:40] <+Kalassak> negotions
[23:41] <+Darvince> negotiation
[23:41] <+Darvince> negotiatian
[23:41] <+Darvince> negotian
[23:41] <+Darvince> negotion
[23:41] <+Darvince> negation
[23:41] <+Darvince> guess what's next
[23:41] <+Darvince> nigation
[23:41] <+Darvince> nimation
[23:41] <+Darvince> nimalion
[23:41] <+Darvince> himalion
[23:41] <+Darvince> himalian
[23:41] <+Kalassak> himalion
a fundamental particle in the universe found everywhere but aeridani
[23:42] <+Darvince> lmao
[23:42] <+Darvince> him a lion
[23:43] <+Kalassak> its discovery was initially discredited after a team of aeridanish physicists attempted to reproduce the particle at the Faerhenfall Particle Accelerator but failed to find it
[23:44] <+Kalassak> it was later independently confirmed by scientists at the Dotrugan Institute of Physics
Submitted on 2016-03-03 23:48:52 - 0 +

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