Strange and/or funny quote 310

[22:58] <Floenne> idk about being a wielder if it paid 200k though because
[22:58] <Floenne> are there lots of advancement opportunities
[22:58] <Floenne> beyond that
[22:58] <Floenne> like i'm afraid no matter where i get i'll never be satisfied
[22:58] <syule_> yes if you don't like someone you can weld their face to the ground
[22:58] <syule_> that's what i call advancement
[22:59] <Floenne> if i ever get to making 200k ill probably want to make 300k
[22:59] <+Yqt1001> pretty sure you can't weld flesh
[22:59] <syule_> are you a welder?
[22:59] <syule_> i thought not
[22:59] <+Yqt1001> ..good point
Submitted on 2016-03-15 00:00:24 - 0 +

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