Strange and/or funny quote 408

[7:11 PM] vramho: oh my god fiah's other roommate be lookin fiiiiine 😳
[7:11 PM] vramho: :madjoy:
[7:11 PM] auya//wolf: t2iiii
[7:12 PM] vramho: the white one
[7:12 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: darvince doesnt like black asians
[7:12 PM] vramho: get me out of here before i am stupid
[7:12 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: rac IS T!
[7:12 PM] vramho: wh
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: :madjoy:
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: or hispanics
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: or uh
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: pacific islanders
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: and native americans
[7:13 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: im jk bb ilu gimee succ
[7:14 PM] vramho: jk i will say 0 words to him probably
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: just tell him
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: "i have big dicc marry me please?"
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: and he will pants you
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: and asphyxiate on ur bepis
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: Just Do It :nike:
[7:15 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: fuc
[7:16 PM] auya//wolf: pickin up hotties at fiah's apartment
[7:16 PM] vramho: t2i
[7:16 PM] vramho: thighs
[7:16 PM] vramho: i will absolutely not
[7:16 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: thighs
[7:16 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: THIGHS
[7:16 PM] Dr. Alice 🐰: thicc thighs
[7:17 PM] vramho: he is straight he is minmaxing life
Submitted on 2019-08-22 17:36:12 - 0 +

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