Strange and/or funny quote 415

[2020-05-29 00:09:18] <iris-discord1> <yqt1009 CA> naru is right, this sort of violence doesnt just spring up from one police murder
[2020-05-29 00:10:08] <iris-discord1> <Oracle> literally slavery is when the first cause of this began building
[2020-05-29 00:10:31] <iris-discord1> <yqt1003 JP> :rofl:
[2020-05-29 00:10:36] <iris-discord1> <yqt1003 JP> o why did it make an emoji
[2020-05-29 00:10:37] <iris-discord1> <yqt1003 JP> What
[2020-05-29 00:10:41] <iris-discord1> <hitabeltislandslag> :rofl:
[2020-05-29 00:10:54] <iris-discord1> <yqt1009 CA> 7 people shot :rofl:
Submitted on 2020-05-29 01:24:22 - 0 +

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