
From Universalis
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<nation motto in conlang is fine, but put english in parenthesis>
<same as above>
Capital City (m)
<the city where the government does things>
Largest City (m)
<city with largest population>
<e.g. multiparty democracy, democratic dictatorship, fascist dictatorship, tribal federation>
<e.g. mixed economy, planned economy, autarky>
<e.g. liberal, conservative>
<in dollars>
<in dollars>
<name of currency(s)>
<total area of nation in square kilometers>
% Water
Highest Mountain
<height of tallest mountain in meters>
Longest River
<length of longest river in kilometers>
<nations that border this nation>
Regional Influence
<influence (Low, Medium, High, Dominating, Co-Dominating)>
Full Name
<the actual name (e.g. Democratic Fascist Imperial Republic of Blaist Blaland and The Snake Skytopias)>
Common Name(s)
<should be the same as title name (e.g. Aiyota, Blaist Blaland, Aeridani)>
<three letter acronym (e.g. AIY, BLA, AER)>
<demonym (e.g. British, German, Japanese)>
Two-letter acronym
<two letter acronym (e.g. AI, BL, AR)>
Internet TLD
<should be two letters (probably same as above acronym) and format (e.g. .ai, .bl, .sl, .ar)>
Date format
<use syntax Y for year M for months and D for days, S for seconds, I for minutes, H for hours (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS)
Calling Code
<+1, +2, +3 (. . .)>

Drives on the
<either left or right>
Counts in base
<count in base 10? base 8? base 6? base 12? base 16? base 23?>
Adult Age
<the age when one is legally an adult (18 in U.S.A)
Official Language(s)
Aiyoti, De'Lafflelen, Yoka Tsi
Most spoken
Aiyoti, De'lafflelen, Yoka Tsi and more..
~225 million
Population Density
<density of nation population in square kilometers>
Fertility Rate
<fertility rate of nation>
State Religion(s)
<religion officially sanctioned by government>
Most believed in
<religion with most followers>
Life Span
<average lifespan of citizens>
<literacy rate of citizens>
<National Development Index>

Aiyota (Alternatively Aiota) is a country in the southern part of Arioko. It has a population of just under 200 million (over 150 million of which are situated on the Akarine-Kovotei Belt), ranking it the 6th most populous nation. The country is consisted of an archipelago and almost completed surrounded by the Serkr and the Mádditervaisi, sharing a land border with Aeridani on the Unity Bridge. The country is among the densest in the world (that is not a city state) at 123.2 ppl/sqkm. The Kovotei belt is ~900ppl/sqkm and Vikasa is too dense to mention.


It is not quite certain how the name Aiyota came to be, although there are 2 main theories. The first is that it comes from 'ayo-ta, meaning "He speaks culture" (hard to translate). Another theory is that it comes from Lysteriok, specifically Dotruga, it was made of "Ai" - the name already used by Ethanthovan settlements in the north to refer to native Arioki combined with the common Oka suffix -ota this eventually shifted to Aiyota.

Culture and Religion

Aiyoti Dual Family Living



Aiyoti cuisine consists of two staple foods; Vuomanoriden ("dry season grain") and Telomanoriden ("water season grain"). They are the equivalents of wheat and rice, respectively. Sakagheda, Sakaghelo, Surizemi and Chekito are also extremely prevalent.

Meals are served "buffet style", where there is usually a bowl of one or more of the grain products, bowls of the other products, sauce-soup things, meats, and little side dishes (Saźiata). You are given a plate/bowl and you choose what you would like and put it on your plate/bowl. All of this is served with sōji (a cold fruit-infused tea, sometimes alcoholic) or kóziyuli (coffee + tea + mayasò & other spices, sometimes Lifiaźeyu (a stimulant controversial drug)).

Kańison is also often served as a desert, with sakaghelosakahyúktelo.

Aiyoti people often have a dishwasher because of the above.


For much of its history Aiyota has remained sovereign, however there were periods where many nations of Lysteriok colonized its north and northeastern shores, the people who descend from this colonists are known as "Lispeveò", "Dotru", "Mirinju" and others


Aiyota is one of the densest, most urban countries in the world, with nearly a fifth of its population living in the capital region. Nearly half of all Aiyoti residents live in the top six largest cities (Vikasa, Akarine, Kutosukan, Kyintan Yang, Ciulo and Azuò). The reason for this is because outside of the coast-hugging mountains is a dangerous land full of ten trillion mosquitoes the size of bears that will rip out your liver to lay its young in.

Kovoté Belt

Stretching from Vikasa to Aisicio, the Kovoté belt is home to over 140 million people. Of these, 76.7 million live in Vikasa + Azuò + Ciulo + Kutosukon alone.


The capital.


Akarine is Aiyota's second largest city at over 25 million people. It is located in the Akarine Autonomous Area shared between Aeridani and Aiyota. There are ~6 million on the Aeridanish side. For nearly all of its history it has been a bustling port, and today is no exception with, at over 600,000 tonnes of cargo passing through annually, it being the biggest port in Arioko and one of the biggest in universalis.

As well as having a major strength handling Arioko's oceanic cargo, it also is a rail and road hub, housing the only connection between Aeridani and Aiyota in Arioko. Because of this it has grown rapidly with people from all across Arioko moving there. Because of this it is one of the few towns in Aiyota with a prevalent Aeridanish majority, with road signs etc. written in both Aiyoti and Aeridanish. Virtually the entire city is bilingual, it constantly being exposed to Aeridanish and Aiyoti media. Because of this constant exposure a unique culture has developed incorporating Aeridanish and Aiyoti cultures and beliefs. It also has its own corrupt "Language"

Ethnic Composition:

  • 11 million Aiyoti/Other Native East Serkr
  • 10 million Aeridanish/Lysteriokan Descent
  • 3 million Mixed
  • 1 million Other


A lot of Aiyota's Manufacturing and Other Heavy Industry occurs in Yoka Tse, the area in Aiyota with the largest wage gap, with the poorest earning only $5US/hour and the some of the richest earning the same amount as the workers earn in a year. Yoka Tse by world standards is average, however in Aiyota it is simultaneously the worst state to live and the best state for corporations. While the region allows pay below national minimum wage, it has one of the largest per capita economies of all the Aiyoti states & subdivisions, making nearly $2.43 trillion dollars for a region with 24 million people. It also has a bad record of breaches of Environmental Policies No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10A, 10B, 10C-1.2, 27, and 34C-1.7. As well as breaking numerous Aiyoti Human Treatment Laws, Sea Regulations, and Supplying Illicit Drugs. The cities all overflow and merge into one another forming one massive agglomeration, however the largest official city is Ansebulún - with a population of 180,000 in the core and a further 320,000 in the Subdivision of Ansebulún uyu Qásyu.

The region produces:

  • -Pharmaceuticals
  • -Clothing
  • -Electronics
  • -Furniture
  • -Instruments
  • -Vehicles
  • -Tools
  • -Chemicals
  • -Refined Oils
  • -Metals
  • -Refined Metals

Yoka Tse exports 90% of it's produce to Arioko, The Serkr, Lysteriok and Kaeshar.

Yoka Tse Oilfields

Other Oil/ Natural Gas fields

Other economy

Unofficial Canon dump

Alright so this is basically just my views and opinions about universalis, obviously nothing is true nor has to be. (i totally didn't steal this)

Who are/is the major world power(s)? imo Ethanthova and Bielosia co-dominate the world, with Blaland & Aeridani just lagging behind.

Which countries are regional and/or upcoming powers? Tjedigar is probably a regional power, as well as Kallisto, Aiyota and Auspikitan. Almost of all of these i see as upcoming powers as well as Darvincia. Probably also the fastly developing nations on Universalis.

Which countries are the richest (per capita)? Aahrus, Nikaesi, Zapfna and Akaji are all rich as they are city-states. Outside of that probably Tjedigar, as all other major countries have too large a population to have a high gdp per capita. Also maybe Darvincia

Which countries are richest (pure wealth)? Definitely the "Big four" Ethanthova, Bielosia, Blaist Blaland and Aeridani as they have large populations and areas.

Which regions manufacture? Blaist Blaland, Aiyota (Yoka Tse), Kallisto, Bielosia?, Ethanthova? Lower Developed Universalis Countries, Maybe Tjedigar, Auspikitan, Darvincia?

What are the tensest relations? Kallisto vs Aeridani, Loviniosan Relations, Ethanthova vs TND (does tnd even exist anymore) although these have cooled off a little

Least tense relations? Arioko, Amalthea and the Serkr, Tjedigar+Kaeshar+Everybody

Official language of Universalis? There shouldn't be one... there should be 6; Blaist, Livikien, Ethanthovan, Aeridanish, Aiyoti, Auspik/most spoken nausikkak lang. Also maybe Kaeshar's language?

Although Aeridani is a distant four on influence, Arioko together makes them more influential then Blaland. (There are nearly 1 billion people in universalis who speak Aiyoti/Aeridanish) There are ~400 million people who speak BOTH Aeridanish and Aiyoti. Although there are plenty of false cognates: Viajetasl - Tears, eye-water Verédatelo - Tears, eye-water