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Flag of Darvincia.png
Capital City (m)
Largest City (m)
Kolok Senkec
Many party parliament and Democracy
Democratically controlled socialism
704,642,000,000 $
16,051 $
% Water
Highest Mountain
2,033 meters
Longest River
Regional Influence
Full Name
The Republic of Darvincia
Common Name(s)
Two-letter acronym
Internet TLD
Date format
Calling Code

Drives on the
Counts in base
base 8
Adult Age
16 years
Official Language(s)
Most spoken
35,320,000 humans; 8,580,000 saguans
Population Density
Fertility Rate
State Religion(s)
None (agnostic state)
Most believed in
Life Span
84 years

cities: sande sitei, wkegnwx, kolok senkec, nausicaa, diigikwk, nikakwn, makwk



Darvincia's early history mainly concerns the migrations of various peoples about Nausikkak, both human and Saguan. The arrival of saguans in what is now Darvincia was very early, with the earliest stone artifacts dating back to 900 thousand years ago. Most of the artifacts are found in the southern parts of Darvincia, opposite to the current distribution of Saguans within the nation. Humans arrived in Darvincia around fifty thousand years ago, and they were closely related to the Door Lake humans which lived in Blaist Blaland. The northern, more arid regions of Darvincia remained uninhabited by anyone for a long time, with Saguans only arriving there about twenty thousand years ago, pushed out of the southern part of the country by the Darvincians. Much work has been done to discover what pushed out the Saguans and drove them to near extinction within the nation.

Around 2500 BG, the Auspiks were pushed south into Darvincia by the arrival of Himalians. Other cultures flooded into Darvincia, eventually pushing the old Darvincian culture to a small remnant of its former size on the islands in the Maki'ifi Sea. The main peoples who arrived during the second millenium BG were the Kyrexzani and the Naxmaldon from southwestern Blaland. The Naxmaldon pushed out the previous Darvincians, but their genes heavily intermixed in the meantime, producing a unique look for modern southern Darvincian humans. The Kyrexzani had a mostly nomadic lifestyle across the northern plains and deserts, but eventually a group of them settled on the intensely fertile yet marsh-filled Nausicaa Island. There, the first organized government within the borders of modern Darvincia arose. It is unknown what they called themselves, but their modern name is the Nausicaakacaak.

pre-revolution stuff but not like prehistory

The Maki'ifi Plague, or Amalthean ant plague, infected Darvincia starting in 732. It is traditionally sourced to the Maki'ifi Islands, although recent evidence has shown that this was not the case and that it actually started on Greater Frinka. However, the Maki'ifi were used as a scapegoat to blame for the cause of the plague. Many people during this period shut down their shops due to not knowing what creature carried this bug, and fearing many different sorts of animals. Among the species that people feared during this period included many arthropods, Saguans, people's pets, and even the XXXX beetle. In the northern regions of Darvincia, it was less extensive due to the higher Saguan population intermixed with the humans of the area.

The economic effects of the Maki'ifi plague were extremely severe on Darvincia especially, it not regaining its previous economic capacity until the year 764, over three decades after the plague began, and even after the communist revolution. Many of Darvincia's major corporations closed their doors during this period, even including some that had been operating for over a thousand years, including Tok Goods, which was later refounded as the main branch of the economy for food production. Every single wealthy individual in Darvincia lost at least some portion of their savings, most losing their entire life's wealth, or the wealth of both their ancestors as well as themselves. People went without food in large cities such as Sande Sitei and Makwk in this period because so many shops closed that the nearest open food store was a great distance away. Even despite all of this, post-plague the economy boomed back up rather quickly as shops reopened. People were soon able to find and purcahse what they wanted again.

However, the rich were still not satisfied as their wealth had collapsed underneath them. Many rich figures during this time either committed suicide or resorted to begging on the streets. The urban cityfolk too were also displeased with these events, leading directly into the revolutionary period.

work here

Revolutionary Period

Beginning in 750, Larhan, the precursor to Darvincia, erupted into chaos as many former businessmen and some grassroots leaders rose up and began to command and lead the disorganized protesters. Many local leaders protesting against the continued capitalist regime arose during this period. During the beginning, most only rallied up local towns or cities, like Hanska, a Saguan who lead rebellions in the north of Larhan near what is now modern Nausicaa. Government factions took control of and began heavily policing many cities within the borders of Larhan, including Wkegnwx, Kolok Senkec, and Digikwk. Rebellions within the nation were nearly stamped out by 754, with many leaders of this period being thrown in prison indefinitely or publicly lynched by the police force. Secret police also patrolled the countryside, seeking anyone who wanted to protest against the regime. However, word of this quickly spread and by late in 754, everyone knew of the secret police. A counterfaction appeared in northern Larhan, almost entirely composed of Saguans. They called themselves the Nausicaan Liberation Army, as the region was heavily populated by Saguans and desired to become independent just like Larhan. They were much more organized than the initial rebels, and managed to keep the secret police from ruining their effort through the three years that the old government remained powerful enough to actually stop dissent rather than meekly attempt at it.

Main article: Late Socialist Revolution (Darvincia)

The main rebel leader of this period, however, did not come until 756. Chaos erupted in Sande Sitei, now called the Battle of the Polànasi. During this chaotic battle, sections of the secret police turned on each other, thinking each other the rebels. Many rebels descended on this chaos, effectively killing all of the secret police in the city. One new protest leader emerged from this as a hero during this battle, Darvince. He was extremely popular among rebel groups, and as a result they became an organized force known as the Larhanin Army. They soon owned much of southern Darvincia, with the base of their control around Maki'ifi Bay. They continued spreading, with several battles being lead by Darvince. All of the battles where Darvince acted as the general were won by the rebels, promoting his already heroic image. The Nausicaan rebellion also was gaining momentum, controlling all of Nausicaa Island and spreading onto the mainland, all the way to the borders of Darvincia. Darvince was killed after losing some of his seeming magic by some Larhan loyalists during a skirmish in the Frinkas. Most of the fighting was now in the periphery regions of Larhan, and Darvincia and Nausicaa both declared independence in late 759. However, Darvincia claimed that it controlled the entire region until the government was stabilized and they ratified the independence of Nausicaa in the winter of 761.

Recent Peace


Darvince darvincia became communist because evil revolutions honhonhon

Kalassak yeah solea didn't develop much of a reliance on capitalist tendencies

Darvince darvincia is either the same way or

Darvince they had violent blaist revolutsions and lots of people died and they had a dictatorship for a while

Darvince and then more violent revolutions

Darvince and they became democratic

Darvince and then the people elected away the economy

Darvince from the state

Darvince and tensions were high for a while

Darvince but now they've subsided





