Amalgamate of Cities of Aiyoti Controlled Issaga and Ahimalia (or ACACIA, SPANIA) is a group of Aiyoti port cities which have remained Aiyoti, in both language and culture. There are 9 major cities in total and they are: Itaváz, Takarisva, Digrasi, Migu, Mika (Himalia) ; Riáliveta, Moynki, Silessi, and Kuag'hya (Issagga). There is a further 17 cities >50,000 and 35 >1,000.
The combined population of these cities is 14 million, of which ~9.6 million speak Aiyoti as a first language, and ~1.4 million as a second.
Mazukahujikidoridanohogozomanosiligijimpaoto - Longest town name in the union, it has a delicacy called Mazumakakidorinosilipaotiosigimaogudossi-Kamalaraijokoimanoriden, which translates to: purple velvet beans (Mazumaka)combined with a special soup (kidori-no) made of an estuary fish (silipa) left to be steamed (otiosigimao) for two hours (gudossi). After, steaming vegetables are added(Kamalarijoko) as well as seasonal grain (manori-den)
The town is often called "Mazumaka-Kelui" meaning Purple-velvet-bean home, and the soup is called "Makisi-Kamaden"