Himalo-Auspik languages

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The Himalo-Auspik languages are a large number of languages which are spread over Himalia and northern Amalthea, totalling over 500 million speakers, both human and saguan. They are spoken as majority languages and as official languages in many nations across Himalia and Amalthea, including Snavvwxniik-Nakwn, Wyverncliff, Auspikitan, otheramaltheans, Kupet Yknö, ɥófuān, the Trans-Himalian Republic, and otherhimalians.


there should be more families with tone or maybe degëq'so families lost vowels and gained tone

Salishy thing

CCCVCCC also weird ass things like syllabic ɬ, maybe simple two tone

Kupet Yknö

many vowel and non-gigantic consonant inventories, CCVCC, northern ones have syllabic sonorants

Jaruva Sicha

many consonant, some vowel, CVC usually, a few of them have tone


few consonant, some vowel, tone, CV


i have no damn clue


also no clue but probably smallish syllables


like CCCVC or something also the least evolved from old PHA