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Kutosukon is the string of development stretching from Sakta to Aisicio, through Saghi. It's name literally translates as "Flower Shore Lake", as the northern shores of Lake Unnamed had many types of flowers blooming there. At 22.6 million, it is the third largest city in Aiyota (after Vikasa and Akarine) and one of the biggest in universalis.

Saghi-Sakta has traditionally been the centre of eastern Aiyota (once the centre of a powerful colonial empire), however in recent years Aisicio has had a population explosion, it being the fastest growing city in the country. This is due to many factors including, but not limited to; Its proximity to both Yoka Tse and the Kovotei belt, It's geographical situation on the inflow and outflow of the Lukito and the shore of the Lake, discovery of minerals and oils to the east (Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Iron, Coal and more), as well as the Arioko Space Program's Launch Area nearby. It is also a good holiday destination, being a major tourist spot due to affordable hotels and proximity to historical capital Saghi-Sakta, the Aiyoti farmlands, beaches, the lake shore, hotsprings, and the Chanjuigansól.