Amalthea Meteorological Collaboration
plasim experiments

Annual cycle plots (latitude vs time)

CONTROL5 is a simulation of Earth for 5 years using PlaSim's built-in ocean model at T21 resolution. PAVALA10 is a simulation with the landmass distribution, planetary radius, rotation rate, and year length of Pavala at T21 resolution run for 10 (Pavala) years. It also uses the built-in ocean model for sea surface temperatures.

Type CONTROL5 PAVALA10 Diff (pav10 - ctrl5)
zonal wind
sea ice thickness

Annual max/mean plots (lat/lon plots)

These plots showcase a comparison to a third simulation case - SGPCONTROL. This simulation uses prescribed sea surface temperatures, rather than PlaSim's ocean model, to produce a much more accurate result for the Earth case.

Precipitation (annual mean)
(monthly) - J F M A M J J A S O N D -
Seasonal genesis parameter1 (annual max)
1 - SGP is a measure of environmental favorability for tropical cyclone formation, which shows where tropical cyclones are most likely to form without directly simulating them within the model. The model resolution used here is too low to resolve tropical cyclones.

Property Last update
Land data unknown (before March 2020)
Coastline unknown