Strange and/or funny quote 274

[23:59] <+Kalassak> syule what if your prof said 'people who join this facebook group are likely to get 5-10% grades in class'
[23:59] <+Kalassak> would you join it
[23:59] <+Kalassak> *5-10% better
[23:59] <+syule> no
[23:59] <+syule> because i get A's in everything already
[23:59] <+syule> i don't need more percents
[23:59] <+Yqt1001> wow we found his limit
[23:59] <FloenneFocus> SAVAGE
[23:59] <+Kalassak> rip
[00:00] <+Kalassak> ok cause i was looking more for
[00:00] <+Kalassak> correlation doesn't equal causation
[00:00] <+syule> and i was looking for the meaning of reality
[00:00] <+syule> looking don't help though
[00:00] <+syule> you've got to smell
[00:00] <+syule> with your penis
[00:00] <+Kalassak> um
[00:00] <FloenneFocus> the thing is
[00:00] <+Kalassak> that's not how that works
Submitted on 2016-01-14 22:13:44 - 0 +

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