Strange and/or funny quote 275

[18:36] <Floenne> i'm hungry i want to go buy some sugar
[18:36] <+syule> >hungry
[18:36] <+syule> >buy sugar
[18:36] <+syule> >what is this
[18:36] <+syule> minecraft?
[20:29] <Floenne> finished 4g of sugar
[20:29] <Floenne> still no end in sight for glasses
[20:29] <Stowaway> sugar does not cure blindness
[20:38] <Floenne> I DID IT
[20:38] <Floenne> I THREADDED THE NEEDLE
[20:38] <+syule> i'm still fucking confused about this sugar meme
[20:46] <Floenne> i just had 36 more grams of sugar
[20:47] <Floenne> i can do this
[20:51] <+syule> what the fucking fuck is this sugar bullshit
[20:51] <Floenne> fixing my glasses
[20:52] <Floenne> electrolytes
[20:52] <Floenne> it's what plants crave
[20:52] <+syule> fiah confirmed for having gone off the deep end
Submitted on 2016-01-15 18:53:18 - 0 +

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