Dtersauuw Sagua
The Autonomous Saguan Republic of Dtersauuwi Amalthea, or more commonly Dtersauuw Sagua, is a populated democratic socialist nation located on the continent of Amalthea and a member of the Free Federation of Amalthea.
major conflicts between species historically human oppression in the region
or maybe not who knows
The population of the Dtersauuw region is mostly Saguan, nearly 80%. The region has a history of close contact between saguans and humans, and which has historically been the pivot of a few major conflicts on the Amalthean continent. Despite the spread of humans on Amalthea, the nation has maintained a high population of Saguans in conjunction with the nearby nations of Aitessek Naus, and the autonomous Darvincian region of Nausikaa.
The human population in Dtersauuw Sagua is general from the various Aovensii and west Auspik Terelun people who have over time migrated south and west during and following the expansion of the Auspik Empire.
close diplomatic relations with the saguan nations on blagua