Univision Song Contest

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The Univision Song Contest is a triannual song competition held by the Univision Broadcasting Union among its member nations. Each participating community member decides which country he wishes to send entries from and may submit up to 3 songs. Entries are then voted on by other participating countries and, if any non-participating forum member wishes to vote, jury members. In the first two editions of the contest, they could also be voted on by off-forum jury members, usually friends of participants. The contest is generally organized by Yqt1001 however other members may contribute to the contest, and the host is given some responsibilities. The contest began in June 2013 with 11 participating members and 28 entries. Reservations for the eighth edition are underway as of October 2015. A spin-off contest, the Univision Second Chance Contest, was held during January in Kap'atŋpiri, Oesa, in which only songs which placed outside of the top ten were eligible for participation.



The origins of the contest date largely to the interest of the Eurovision Song Contest by members of the Universe Sandbox Forum community during the spring of 2013. Interest was abound after the Eurovision 2013 Final and remained high throughout May. The name "Univision" was suggested by Mudkipz and was quickly adopted. After many weeks of pressure, the contest began on June 13th 2013. The contest is mostly based on the Eurovision Song Contest.

Initially the contest was never expected to reach large proportions. The founder, Yqt1001, was initially expecting only 10 entries at most, not prepared for the 28 that were actually entered. Due to its popularity, the contest went on for nearly 2 weeks, with the winner being announced by June 26th 2013.

Edition to edition, changes were planned to improve the contest's function and experience for the following time. From the first to second edition, the voting rules were changed. Countries were now able to vote for 10 songs instead of 5, with a point scheme that more closely resembled the Eurovision Song Contest. A country could award their first place song 15 points, their second 12, third 10, fourth 8, and then 6-1 points for the rest, in descending order. In the second edition, a Eurovision-styled scoreboard was implemented and has been used in all subsequent editions of the contest. In the third edition, the off-site jury was eliminated. Members of the Universe Sandbox Forum are still allowed to participate in voting, even if they did not enter a song into the contest. Since the third edition, the contest rules and function have been relatively constant.

After the fourth edition's long broadcast, with 41 entries, discussion of a semi-final system began. It was decided that if there were a significant number of entries in a future edition, semi-finals might be considered and organized so as to shorten the required commitment time to participate in the contest.

Indila's "Dernière Danse" won the fifth edition of the contest for Aahrus, the first (and to date only) non-English language winning song. During this edition, Shmupland, Wyverncliff, and Auspikitan were also involved in a voting controversy. Shmupland was found to have a high voting bias towards, and similarity to, the nation of Wyverncliff. Investigation commenced throughout the contest and resulted in the UBU banning Shmupland from the contest indefinitely, and gave Wyverncliff and Auspikitan both a 3-edition ban. They were eligible to participate in the ninth edition.

However, Wyverncliff returned to participate in the eighth edition of the contest. They won the contest with Tristam & Braken's "Frame of Mind," based on running order in accordance with the tie-breaking rules. The Dotrugan entry "Angels" was the runner-up. This would be Wyverncliff's last participation in the contest, as though they went on to host their originally scheduled return edition, they chose not to send any entries to it. Wyverncliff's user TheMooCows would return to the contest in the nineteenth edition under the Helvaenian flag.

With 45 competing entries during the record-length nineteenth edition, a semifinal system was implemented for the first time. Countries were separated into semifinals to reduce time commitment for voting. The final of the nineteenth edition produced the winner with the highest point total in the history of the contest, "To Be Human," which garnered 101 points. Also in this edition, the concept of postcards showcasing an entrant's country played before each song during the broadcast of the contest was introduced.

While participation remained high in the twentieth edition, with 39 entries, the UBU decided not to hold semifinals. The UBU was also criticized for its short voting deadline, with votes due only four days after the broadcast of the contest. However, an overnight extension was granted.

Elevated interest in the contest continued through the twenty-second edition, which set the record for the second-most entries ever (42). Shortly after the results, the UBU floated the idea of increasing the frequency of the contest from three to four times a year. The idea was generally well received, and a week later members of the UBU voted 7-3 to hold the contest four times a year starting in May. The Univision Song Contest is now planned to be held in the months of February, May, August, and November every year.


28 countries have participated in the contest. They are listed by the user who sends songs for them and their edition of début below.

Debut Participant Countries Notes
I Yqt1001 Aahrus Aahrus
FiahOwl Aeridani Aeridani
swonx Aiyota Aiyota
Bla Blaland Blaist Blaland, Red Rainbow Red Rainbow Alternated between countries from the third to eighth editions
blotz Bongatar Bongatar
vh Czalliso Kallisto Sometimes Czalliso
matty406 Ethanthova Ethanthova
Notshmoopysomovealong Shmupland Shmupland
atomic7732 Solea and Rift Auspikitan, Solea Solea Solea since the fourth edition
Tuto99 Tutono, Tjedigar, Tjedigar Dotruga Several country name changes
TheMooCows Wyverncliff Wyverncliff, Helvaena Helvaena since the nineteenth edition
II Naru523 Bielosia Bielosia
gagnant Shmupland Shmupland
IV PandaMania Auspikitan Auspikitan
Darvince Darvincia Darvincia
VI Lord_DC Aegakwet Aegakwet, Omnipotencia Omnipotencia since the sixteenth edition
IX Yqt's girlfriend Sagua Sagua
XV Gurren Lagann TSS Ncov Ntiajeb
XVII Jorster Jorster Island
XIX Bryon Kosma
deoxy99 Mirakanki
Nova Crystallis Nova Chrysalia


1 Prior to the 16th edition, Omnipotencia participated as Aegakwet
2 Prior to the 19th edition, Helvaena participated as Wyverncliff

Number of Songs by Country

Univision 1 through 30

Aahrus 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 90
Solea 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 90
Dotruga 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 90
Aeridani 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 89
Ethanthova 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 87
Bielosia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 87
Darvincia 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 77
Bongatar 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 67
Omnipotencia1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 53
Helvaena2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 45
Blaist Blaland 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 42
Jorster Island 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Kosma 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Nova Chrysalia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Aiyota 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32
Kallisto 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 19
Shmupland 3 3 3 3 3 15
Auspikitan 3 3 3 3 12
Red Rainbow 3 3 3 9
Ncov Ntiajeb 3 3 6
Mirakanki 3 3
Sagua 2 2
Total 28 33 31 41 36 35 39 34 29 23 28 26 24 19 27 29 27 24 45 39 38 42 40 39 40 39 42 42 45 39 1023

Univision 31 through current

Aahrus 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 114
Solea 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 114
Dotruga 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 114
Aeridani 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 113
Ethanthova 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 111
Bielosia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 111
Darvincia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 101
Bongatar 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 91
Omnipotencia1 3 3 3 62
Kosma 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 57
Nova Chrysalia 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 57
Helvaena2 3 3 3 54
Aiyota 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 50
Blaist Blaland 42
Jorster Island 3 39
Kallisto 19
Shmupland 15
Auspikitan 12
Red Rainbow 9
Ncov Ntiajeb 6
Mirakanki 3
Sagua 2
Total 36 33 33 39 36 33 33 36 1302

Points Earned by Country

First place
Second place
Third place
Solea 28 119 124 141 60 73 131 122 99 116 91 79 79 90 51 111 71 138 40 82 1845
Aahrus 107 122 88 121 102 75 10 90 105 40 84 24 63 68 84 81 95 84 86 73 1602
Aeridani 30 92 38 105 82 46 106 72 61 94 48 82 59 46 104 99 106 87 114 80 1551
Dotruga 18 103 71 43 33 54 86 132 107 54 82 56 85 76 73 90 83 97 73 0 1416
Bielosia 151 68 35 33 104 76 48 124 79 56 72 54 62 69 30 42 38 39 55 1235
Darvincia 18 63 42 70 92 43 84 83 99 0 93 110 40 97 70 78 31 1113
Bongatar 10 70 38 58 49 64 64 35 89 47 22 37 62 0 52 74 59 830
Wyverncliff 76 208 125 123 0 83 127 68 810
Ethanthova 44 99 60 48 23 88 25 55 18 12 33 55 10 29 25 41 46 64 46 780
Kallisto 36 53 34 21 56 10 32 48 290
Auspikitan 56 35 91 102 284
Omnipotencia* 62 22 29 0 76 43 26 20 278
Blaist Blaland 12 40 27 44 37 34 56 277
Shmupland 20 64 77 79 0 240
Jorster Island 16 34 65 70 185
Kosma 67 72 139
Aiyota 38 10 18 73 0 139
Red Rainbow 42 72 24 138
Nova Chrysalia 45 70 115
Ncov Ntiajeb 22 34 56
Sagua 48 48

Points given and received by country

Grid link (no longer maintained)

Best Placing

Aahrus 1 4 5 2 1 2 33 5 5 13 4 19 6 3 2 2 5 1
Helvaena 5 1 1 5 1 1 1 1
Solea 11 7 2 1 5 10 2 3 6 2 1 5 2 2 7 17 6 1
Ethanthova 2 5 4 11 9 1 22 13 23 18 14 3 19 14 15 9 1
Aeridani 6 11 18 4 2 9 1 9 8 3 11 4 5 13 3 6 2 1
Bielosia 2 6 18 15 4 5 16 1 8 8 1 8 7 8 18 16 1
Darvincia 28 3 20 7 6 18 1 3 2 1 1 5 10 1
Dotruga 12 8 8 19 18 7 4 2 3 7 5 11 1 4 4 3 1
Bongatar 14 10 12 13 10 16 8 14 2 6 17 14 7 12 11 2
Czalliso 4 19 25 22 14 26 17 2 2
Shmupland 13 14 3 7 3
Aiyota 3 24 31 11 3
Auspikitan 15 12 3 6 3
Kosma 11 3 3
Blaist Blaland 17 27 15 4 26 16 4 4
Jorster Island 4 8 4
Red Rainbow 20 5 19 5
Omnipotencia 6 28 22 14 21 6
Sagua 9 9
Nova Chrysalia 9 12 9
Ncov Ntiajeb 19 19
Mirakanki ?

Wins etc

idk when this was last updated

Wins Top 3 Top 5 Top 10
Darvincia 3 6 7 15
Wyverncliff 3 4 6 9
Solea 2 10 16 27
Aahrus 2 6 11 23
Bielosia 2 3 5 14
Tjedigar 1 4 9 18
Aeridani 1 4 8 16
Ethanthova 1 3 5 6
Czalliso 0 1 2 2
Bongatar 0 1 1 6
Auspikitan 0 1 1 3
Shmupland 0 1 1 3
Aiyota 0 1 1 1
Blaist Blaland 0 0 1 1
Red Rainbow 0 0 1 1
Aegakwet 0 0 0 1
Sagua 0 0 0 1


Hosting is a privilege given to the winning country of the previous contest. Winners are required to create a profile for their nations and are allowed to influence the graphics of the contest. Host members are also allowed to submit proposals on how the contest should be run while it is hosted there.

Host cities

Edition Host City Host Venue Host Country Slogan
I Aahrus Crystal Hall Aahrus
II Aahrus Crystal Hall Aahrus
III Vorlor Vorloran Mooing Hall Wyverncliff
IV Vorlor Vorloran Mooing Hall Wyverncliff
V Saelunavvk hikútíkana aginekei sekępna Solea
VI Aahrus UBU Hall Aahrus
VII Boltway Boltway Event Stadium Ethanthova
VIII Faehrenfall Steel Blood Opera House Aeridani
IX Vorlor Vorloran Mooing Hall Wyverncliff
X Lizabechai Bielosia
XI Manwx Manwx Theater Darvincia
XII Kutapi Solea
XIII Livikeana Solvae Bielosia
XIV Naskitrusk Dotruga
XV Digiikwk Darvincia
XVI Manwx Manwx Theater Darvincia
XVII Aeridani
XVIII The 40K Aeridani
XIX Naktona Solea Howl at the moon!
XX Aahrus Aahrus Feel The Music
XXI Faehrenfall Aeridani
XXII Briοͅvchê Helvaena
XXIII Briοͅvchê Helvaena
XXIV Aahrus Scream in the Void
XXV Naskitrusk Dotruga
XXVI Jorster Island The neo contemporary new Jorsterton edition
XXVII Aahrus Still in the Void
XXIX Stedro Dotruga
XXX Bongatar City Bongatar
XXXI Aeridani
XXXII Aahrus Fly high
XXXIII Aahrus Best hemisphere
XXXIV A'neaka Ganuo
XXXV Aahrus A decade of music
XXXVI Vikasa Aiyota
XXXVII Ganepuoa Ganuo
XXXVIII Saelunavvk Solea Beam me up!


There have been nineteen editions of the Univision Song Contest, with winners from 8 countries.

Edition Host Country Date Winner Entry Points Margin Runner-up
I Aahrus Aahrus June 2013 Aahrus Aahrus Ani Lorak - Shady Lady 66 27 Ethanthova Ethanthova
II Aahrus Aahrus October 2013 Wyverncliff Wyverncliff Lifehouse feat. Natasha Bedingfield - Between the Raindrops 78 5 Bielosia Bielosia
III Wyverncliff Wyverncliff February 2014 Wyverncliff Wyverncliff OneRepublic - Counting Stars 72 9 Solea Solea
IV Wyverncliff Wyverncliff June 2014 Solea Solea Owl City - Gold 76 10 Aahrus Aahrus
V Solea Solea October 2014 Aahrus Aahrus Indila - Dernière Danse 68 13 Aeridani Aeridani
VI Aahrus Aahrus February 2015 Ethanthova Ethanthova Yogscast – Diggy Diggy Hole 64 14 Aahrus Aahrus
VII Ethanthova Ethanthova June 2015 Aeridani Aeridani MitiS - Movements (ft. MaHi) 62 7 Solea Solea
VIII Aeridani Aeridani October 2015 Wyverncliff Wyverncliff Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind 57 0 Tjedigar Dotruga
IX Wyverncliff Wyverncliff February 2016 Bielosia Bielosia Fall Out Boy - Centuries 71 21 Bongatar Bongatar
X Bielosia Bielosia June 2016 Darvincia Darvincia Major Lazer - Be Together (feat. Wild Belle) (Vanic Remix) 56 1 Solea Solea
XI Darvincia Darvincia October 2016 Solea Solea Vicetone - Nevada (feat. Cozi Zuehlsdorff) 51 3 Czalliso Kallisto
XII Solea Solea February 2017 Bielosia Bielosia Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter 44 6 Darvincia Darvincia
XIII Bielosia Bielosia June 2017 Dotruga Dotruga Vanic - Samurai 37 4 Solea Solea
XIV Dotruga Dotruga October 2017 Darvincia Darvincia Inova - Disowned 62 22 Solea Solea
XV Darvincia Darvincia February 2018 Darvincia Darvincia Halsey - Ghost 52 1 Aahrus Aahrus
XVI Darvincia Darvincia June 2018 Aeridani Aeridani Madeon - Pop Culture 46 3 Bongatar Bongatar
XVII Aeridani Aeridani October 2018 Aeridani Aeridani Grant - The Edge (feat. Nevve) 67 15 Darvincia Darvincia
XVIII Aeridani Aeridani February 2019 Solea Solea Kim Petras - Close Your Eyes 55 10 Dotruga Dotruga
XIX Solea Solea June 2019 Aahrus Aahrus MARINA - To Be Human 101 11 Aiyota Aiyota
XX Aahrus Aahrus October 2019 Aeridani Aeridani Dabin - Alive (feat. RUNN) (Trivecta Remix) 67 15 Bongatar Bongatar
XXI Aeridani Aeridani November 2019 Helvaena Helvaena Lemaitre - Closer 71 19 Aahrus Aahrus
XXII Helvaena Helvaena February 2020 Helvaena Helvaena Camila Cabello - Something's Gotta Give 46 3 Aeridani Aeridani
XXIII Helvaena Helvaena May 2020 Aahrus Aahrus Robin Schulz feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 57 5 Aahrus Aahrus
XXIV Aahrus Aahrus August 2020 Dotruga Dotruga Charli XCX & Troye Sivan - 1999 52 2 Kosma Kosma
XXV Dotruga Dotruga November 2020 Jorster Island Jorster Island The Weeknd - Blinding Lights 67 2 Dotruga Dotruga
XXVI Jorster Island Jorster island February 2021 Aahrus Aahrus Rina Sawayama - XS 78 18 Bielosia Bielosia
XXVII Aahrus Aahrus May 2021 Aeridani Aeridani Alison Wonderland - Bad Things (LEXIM Remix) 54 5 Kosma Kosma
XXVIII Aeridani Aeridani August 2021 Dotruga Dotruga Feint - We Won't Be Alone 57 4 Ethanthova Ethanthova
XXIX Dotruga Dotruga November 2021 Bongatar Bongatar Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow - INDUSTRY BABY 64 11 Aahrus Aahrus
XXX Bongatar Bongatar February 2022 Aeridani Aeridani Vaundy - 東京フラッシュ (Tōkyō furasshu) 45 4 Dotruga Dotruga
XXXI Aeridani Aeridani May 2022 Aahrus Aahrus Kalush Orchestra - Stefania 71 13 Kosma Kosma
XXXII Aahrus Aahrus August 2022 Aahrus Aahrus Ado - Odo 56 2 Darvincia Darvincia
XXXIII Aahrus Aahrus November 2022 Darvincia Darvincia Marina and the Diamonds - Teen Idle 75 29 Aahrus Aahrus
XXXIV Darvincia Darvincia February 2023 Aahrus Aahrus Rina Sawayama - Frankenstein 85 17 Jorster Island Jorster Island
XXXV Aahrus Aahrus May 2023 Aiyota Aiyota The Veronicas - Untouched 48 1 Aahrus Aahrus
XXXVI Aiyota Aiyota August 2023 Darvincia Darvincia Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 55 2 Darvincia Darvincia
XXXVII Darvincia Darvincia November 2023 Solea Solea Kim Petras - Castle In The Sky 88 42 Aahrus Aahrus
XXXVIII Solea Solea February 2024 Aiyota Aiyota The Veronicas - Perfect 73 16 Aiyota Aiyota
XXXIX Aiyota Aiyota May 2024 Aahrus Aahrus Kiesza - Dancing and Crying 59 14 Dotruga Dotruga
XL Aahrus Aahrus August 2024 Dotruga Dotruga 2u2o - Never Gone 62 3 Darvincia Darvincia
XLI Dotruga Dotruga November 2024 Solea Solea Poppy - negative spaces 52 9 Solea Solea

By country

Wins Country Editions
6 Aeridani Aeridani VII, XVI, XVII, XX, XXVII, XXX
5 Helvaena Helvaena II, III, VIII, XXI, XXII
5 Darvincia Darvincia X, XIV, XV, XXXIII, XXXVI
5 Solea Solea IV, XI, XVIII, XXXVII, XLI
4 Dotruga Dotruga XIII, XXIV, XXVIII, XL
2 Bielosia Bielosia IX, XII
2 Aiyota Aiyota XXXV, XXXVIII
1 Ethanthova Ethanthova VI
1 Bongatar Bongatar XXIX

By language

Wins Language Editions Countries
36 English I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI*, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL*, XLI Aahrus, Wyverncliff, Solea, Ethanthova, Bielosia, Darvincia, Dotruga, Aeridani, Jorster Island, Bongatar, Aiyota
2 Japanese XXX, XXXII Aeridani, Aahrus
1 French V Aahrus
1 Instrumental VII Aeridani
1 Ukrainian XXXI Aahrus

* they're like samples though


Used Songs Search

Used Songs Text List (outdated)



  • Univision I

I - Results

  • Univision II

II - Results

  • Univision III

III - Results

  • Univision IV

IV - Results

  • Univision V

V - Results

  • Univision VI

VI - Results

  • Univision VII

VII - Results

  • Univision VIII

VIII - Songs
VIII - Results

  • Univision IX

IX - Results

  • Univision X

X - Results

  • Univision XI

XI - Thread

  • Univision XII

XII - Thread

  • Univision XIII

XIII - Results

  • Univision XIV

XIV - Thread

  • Univision XV

XV - Thread

  • Univision XVI

XVI - Results

  • Univision XVII

XVII - Reservations

  • Univision XVIII

XVIII - Songs

  • Univision XIX

XIX - Thread

  • Univision XX

XX - Thread

  • Univision XXI

XXI - Songs

  • Univision XXII

XXII - Thread

  • Univision XXIII

XXIII - Results

  • Univision XXIV

XXIV - Thread

  • Univision XXV

XXV - Thread

  • Univision XXVI

XXVI - Thread

  • Univision XXVII

XXVII - Thread

  • Univision XXVIII

XXVIII - Results

  • Univision XXIX

XXIX - Songs
XXIX - Results
XXIX - Spreadsheet

  • Univision XXX

XXX - Thread
XXX - Spreadsheet

  • Univision XXXI

XXXI - Thread

  • Univision XXXII

XXXII - Thread

  • Univision XXXIII

XXXIII - Thread

  • Univision XXXIV

XXXIV - Thread

  • Univision XXXV

XXXV - Thread

  • Univision XXXVI

XXXVI - Thread

  • Univision XXXVII

XXXVII - Thread
XXXVII - Spreadsheet