Timeline of Universalis

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The numbers next to the bullet are Universalis years.

  • 0: Corresponds to the Earthly year 1399 CE.
  • 984: Corresponds to the Earthly year 2015 CE.

Lysteriok, Hitron, and Loviniosa

  • 22: The Ethanthovan Empire takes claim on the Tribal Confederacy of Oka.
  • 705: Northern Lysteriok secedes from Ethanthova, forming the Republic of Dotruga.

Nausikkak, Himalia, and Kallisto

  • -6000: Himalians develop writing
  • -4500: Time of the Himalian flower script and the Proto-Himalo-Auspik language
  • -2000: Himalians migrate across <> Strait (more than normal), bringing with them their culture and their script into portions of northern Amalthea, which further spread and integrated in the coming centuries.
  • -293: Fall of the Empire of Nausikkak.
  • -274: The Social Justice Wars break out and rage for decades in the lands of modern Blaist Blaland and The Land of the Red Rainbow.
  • 89: the city states of the Auspik Peninsula are organized under the control of <> who established the Empire of Auspikitan.
  • 166: The Empire of Auspikitan annexes the city of Aowensii.
  • 184: The Empire of Auspikitan takes control of the Saguan cities in Aitessek and Dtersaauw and controls several important ports on the Nausikkak Sea.
  • 250: The Empire of Auspikitan reaches modern Wyverncliff in the west, the Solekh watershed in the south, and the Oesani islands of Koesipae and Ipi' in the Serkr Ocean.
  • 277: Amalthean Saguan Rebellion gains traction and weak leadership becomes the downfall of imperial Auspikitan and leads to the creation of the Saguan Autonomous State in parts of western Amalthea.
  • 307: Proclamation of the Soleani Tribal Confederation. For the first time since -293, Solea is not only a geographic region, but once again a government entity. This is often referred to as the Tribal Confederation but contemporary sources would call it Solea.
  • 575: Bla invents the ideology of Blaism based on studies of the development of Soleani tribes and critical analysis of capitalism in Nausikkak.
  • 578: Settlers led by Bla migrate northwest and found the city state Blaland (Blanaxon).
  • 610: Solea proclaims itself a socialist autarky.
  • 613: Blaist Blaland enters a period of relative peace and stability after years of expansions and revolutionary wars.
  • 627: Blaist Blaland starts the Late Social Justice Wars, lasting for 15 years and leading to the the annexation of large areas in the east before unifying the country.
  • 646: Blaist Blaland transitions to collective rule by the Blaist Communist Party.
  • 648: Following Blaist Blaland's more pacifist and internationalist turn, the Blaist Communist Party founds Communist Universalis International. Solea joins.
  • 783: The Red Rainbow Revolution breaks out, leading to the overthrowing of [???] and declaration of The Land of the Red Rainbow three years later.
  • 787: Snake Skytopia becomes a country.
  • 796: The Land of the Bloodbow becomes a semi-autonomous region in The Land of the Red Rainbow.
  • 831: Solea and Auspikitan jointly found the Free Federation of Amalthea with the goal of preserving and uniting the ideals and objectives of the nations of Amalthea and promoting international cooperation, cultural and environmental awareness, and peace.
  • 967: After a national referendum, Snake Skytopia becomes a region within the union of Blaist Blaland.



  • 480-913: The grand Aiyoti Empire rises and falls. It held a large portion of the east and south Serkr, Śioni (due to an odd treaty), southern Himalia and Parts of Issagga. Many of these still have locations which technically belong to Aiyota but don't (see ACACIA) as well as place which are still treated as states (see Aiyota kavyiśath).
  • 978: Aeridani lands a man on the inner moon of Universalis.